27 January 2011


3rd Job Quest - COMMOM QUEST!

Hiyah! You are now lvl 139 you can start your 3rd job quest now! So lets start!!!
PS: all this quest are for every job (this are the commom ones) after you finish this quest you will get different quest according to your job

1st Quest "Cute Chibi Orion" Given by:Berkhart
Defeat 50 Chibi Orion 14+
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely, 5 Guild Points
Chibi Orions can be found here:

2nd Quest "Aint going to seafood restaurant because of fishes are too beautiful" Given by:Berkhart
Complete the "Cute Chibi Orion" quest
x50 Chibi Orion Gear (event)
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
*Chibi orion gear are dropped by chibi orions

3rd Quest "Annoying Guys!!!" Given by:Berkhart
Complete the "Aint going to seafood restaurant because of fishes are too beautiful" quest
Defeat 10 Bewitched Linch 14+, 10 Bewitched Basarg 14+, 10 Bewitched Pants 14+
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely

Warning: They hurt like hell and are mostly between mobs so be sure to bring spam pots/a bard/templar lol

4th Quest "Chaotic guys..." Given by:Berkhart
Complete the "Annoying Guys!!!" quest
x10 Pant's Underwear (event), x10 Basarg's Can (event), x10 Linch's Nailed Stick (event)
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Droped by the monsters on the 3rd quest.

5th Quest "A threat of Abyss" Given by:Sister Maris
Complete the "Chaotic guys..." quest
Explore the Aqua Garden
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
*See Sister Pris in the Room of Heaven Aqua Garden Iris
Go to Deep sea area(solo),Deep sea area(general) and Deep sea area(party)

6th Quest "Eye ball of far away"
Complete the "A threat of Abyss" quest
Jump at the Aqua garden Iris Stone
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely

7th Quest "Dragon egg's exploration" Given by: Sister Pris
Complete the "Eye ball of far away" and "A threat of Abyss" quests
x10 Egg of Water (event), x10 Egg of Earth (event), x10 Egg of Wind (event), x10 Rare Egg (event)
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Use the skill collecting that you should have got in past quest from the aqua garden

The 2nd pic is were you find rare eggs

8th Quest "Garden of Earth" Given by:Sister Pris
Complete the "Dragon egg's exploration" quest
Jump at the Room of Heaven Iris Stone
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
*Turn in to Sister Sistina

9th Quest"Predator's Sign"
Complete the "Garden of Earth" quest
Defeat 30 Ancient Arachne
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Go to the Room of Restriction

10th Quest "Under arrested dragon's descendant"
Complete the "Predator's Sign" quest
Defeat 15 Freed Sister, 15 Freed God's Governor
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Remember the eggs you saw close to the arachnes? kill them!

11th Quest"Clear of the restriction room" Given by :Sister Sistina
Complete the "Predator's Sign" quest
Defeat 30 Freed Monster
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Go and kill the eggs again

12th Quest"Alacne's Stuff" Given by: Sister Sistina
Complete the "Under arrested dragon's descendant" and "Clear of the restriction room" quests
x50 Scar Bands (event)
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
The eggs from arachnes drop it

13th Quest"A lost guardian" Given by: Sister Sistina
Complete the "Alacne's Stuff" quest
Defeat 30 Xenadia Mimic 14+
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Mimic 14+ are in the room of treasure!

14th Quest "Holy place of Earth" Given by:Sister Sistina
Complete the "A lost guardian" quest
Defeat 30 Rocker of Earth
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Location: Holy Place of Earth

15th Quest"Holy place of Water" Given by:Sister Sistina
Complete the "A lost guardian" quest
Defeat 30 Hameha of Water
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Location: Holy Place of Water

16th Quest "Holy place of Wind" Given by: Sister Sistina
Complete the "A lost guardian" quest
Defeat 30 Harupi of Wind
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Location: Holy Place of Wind

17th Quest "Holy place of Fire" Given by: Sister Sistina
Complete the "A lost guardian" quest
Defeat 30 Faire of Fire
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Location: Holy Place of Fire

18th Quest "Destruction of Stone Statue" Given by: Sister Sistina
Complete the "Holy Place of Earth" "Holy Place of Water" "Holy Place of Wind" and "Holy Place of Water" quests
x10 Crystal of Fire (event), x10 Crystal of Water (event), x10 Crystal of Earth (event), x10 Crystal of Wind (event)
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Crystal of fire (Holy place of fire) - Crystal of Water (Holy place of water)-Crystal of Wind (Holy place of wind)-Crystal of Earth (Holy place of Earth)

19th Quest "Elemental Break" Given by:Sister Sistina
Complete the "Holy Place of Earth" "Holy Place of Water" "Holy Place of Wind" and "Holy Place of Water" quests
Defeat 20 Harupi of Wind, 20 Faire of Fire, 20 Hameha of Water, 20 Rocker of Earth
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Faire of fairie (Holy place of fire) - Hameha of Water (Holy place of water)-Harupi of Wind (Holy place of wind)-Rocker of Earth (Holy place of Earth)

20th Quest "A rising stone" Given by: Sister Sistina
Complete the "Destruction of Stone Statue" and "Elemental Break" quests
Jump at the Field of Holy Knight 1 Iris Stone
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Return the quest to Platina

21th Quest "Wandering Sisters" Given by: Platina
Complete the "A rising stone" quest
Defeat 30 Wandering Sister 14+
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Location:Wandering Sister 14+ are in Center Area and Ruin Area 1(dont worry you will found them ALL the time )

22th Quest "Restriction Area! Given by:Platina
Complete the "A rising stone" quest
Defeat 30 Corrupted Temple Knight 14+
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Location:Corrupted Temple Knight 14+ are in Center Area and Ruin Area 1 (easy to find)

23th Quest "A lost warrior" Given by:Platina
Complete the "A rising stone" quest
Defeat 15 Pin (Status of Wanderer) 14+
Reward:5,000,000 XP, 10,000 Ely
Location:Pin (Status of Wanderer) 14+ are in Ruin Area 1 (they hurt a LOT and are mostly on mobs good luck!)

(Yes, life is a b**** xD)
Hope this guide was useful ♥


  1. Thanks... you've saved my sanity.

  2. Thank you very much !!!

  3. I dont get the 8th Quest

  4. im a meister and i finished all that what do i go next?

  5. Guys help me pls, i tried defeat the freed god governor, and freed sister by destroying the cocoons. When they broke free, it didnt count in my quest. Pls help me T_T
